Os textos a seguir são dirigidos principalmente ao público em geral e têm por objetivo destacar os aspectos mais relevantes de cada assunto abordado. Eles não visam substituir as orientações do médico, que devem ser tidas como superiores às informações aqui encontradas.

Mens sana in corpore sano ("uma mente sã num corpo são") é uma famosa citação latina, derivada da Sátira X do poeta romano Juvenal.

No contexto, a frase é parte da resposta do autor à questão sobre o que as pessoas deveriam desejar na vida (tradução livre):

Deve-se pedir em oração que a mente seja sã num corpo são.
Peça uma alma corajosa que careça do temor da morte,
que ponha a longevidade em último lugar entre as bênçãos da natureza,
que suporte qualquer tipo de labores,
desconheça a ira, nada cobice e creia mais
nos labores selvagens de Hércules do que
nas satisfações, nos banquetes e camas de plumas de um rei oriental.
Revelarei aquilo que podes dar a ti próprio;
Certamente, o único caminho de uma vida tranquila passa pela virtude.
orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano.
fortem posce animum mortis terrore carentem,
qui spatium uitae extremum inter munera ponat
naturae, qui ferre queat quoscumque labores,
nesciat irasci, cupiat nihil et potiores
Herculis aerumnas credat saeuosque labores
et uenere et cenis et pluma Sardanapalli.
monstro quod ipse tibi possis dare; semita certe
tranquillae per uirtutem patet unica uitae.

A conotação satírica da frase, no sentido de que seria bom ter também uma mente sã num corpo são, é uma interpretação mais recente daquilo que Juvenal pretendeu exprimir. A intenção original do autor foi lembrar àqueles dentre os cidadãos romanos que faziam orações tolas que tudo que se deveria pedir numa oração era saúde física e espiritual. Com o tempo, a frase passou a ter uma gama de sentidos. Pode ser entendida como uma afirmação de que somente um corpo são pode produzir ou sustentar uma mente sã. Seu uso mais generalizado expressa o conceito de um equilíbrio saudável no modo de vida de uma pessoa.


domingo, 28 de dezembro de 2014

Britânico perde 113 kg e cria projeto para ajudar obesos

Deprimido com o excesso de peso e com a auto confiança em baixa, Mike Waudbl já pensou no suicídio como solução para sua tristeza.
Agora, com 32 anos e cerca de 113 kg mais magro, o britânico apelidado de Mr Muscles (Sr. Músculos, em português), já escreveu uma autobiografia e espera ajudar jovens e adultos com problemas de peso a partir de sua experiência.
No livro “The Weight Loss Warrior” (O Guerreiro da Perda de Peso, em português), Mike escreveu um relato brutal e honesto sobre o que realmente o levou, emocionalmente e fisicamente, a transformar e salvar sua própria vida.
Durante toda a sua vida, o homem chegou a pesar cerca de 205 kg. Com apenas 21 anos, já pesava cerca de 140 kg. Com obesidade mórbida, o britânico viu na ingestão exagerada de remédios uma tentativa desesperada para acabar com o seu sofrimento.
Sobreviver à tentativa de suicídio mostrou ser um ponto para mudar a vida de Mike. Desde então, perdeu mais da metade de seu peso corporal e iniciou um treinamento físico regular, além de uma dieta rigorosa.
Para começar, comprou pela internet e instalou um cross-trainer em seu quarto. Ele gradualmente construiu resistência a cada três sessões de uma hora por dia. Demorou 18 meses para Mike perder os cerca de 113 kg.
Mas ele ainda tinha um grande problema para enfrentar: o excesso de pele solta nos braços e nas pernas. Pagou uma operação que remove-las. Mas, ao final, ainda não estava satisfeito com o resultado.
Outra vida
Mike decidiu participar de uma academia para tonificar seu corpo. A autobiografia foi lançada este ano junto com um fórum de discussões on-line em que o britânico, responde, aconselha e incentiva aqueles que lutam para perder peso.
No site, ele fornece atualizações regulares de vídeo e dicas sobre os temas, incluindo treinamentos, nutrição e apoio emocional.

Meet the Weightloss Warrior: Man who lost an incredible 18 STONE after being driven to the brink of suicide now wants to help others challenge their food demons

A 33-stone man who was so depressed about being overweight that he tried to end his own life lost a staggering 18st and so dramatic was his transformation that he is now nicknamed Mr Muscles.
Mike Waudby, 32, from Hull, has now written a book about his extraordinary experiences that brought him to the brink of suicide but eventually led to him totally transforming his life, health and body.
The book 'The Weight Loss Warrior' is a heartfelt and brutally honest autobiographical story of what it really took emotionally and physically to transform and save Mike's life.
Scroll down for video 
Mike has just released his autobiographic book to help others struggling with their weight 
Mike has just released his autobiographic book to help others struggling with their weight 
At 33st Mike was an almost total recluse, depressed and abusing alcohol he even tried to take his own life 
At 33st Mike was an almost total recluse, depressed and abusing alcohol he even tried to take his own life 
Mike at the start of his weight loss journey
Mike turned his life around on his own, starting by simply using a cross trainer in his room
Mike turned his life around on his own, starting by simply using a cross trainer in his room
Mike weighed 22st by the age of 21 and by the time he was 29 he tipped the scales at 33st.
Morbidly obese, he became so down about his weight that he took an overdose in a desperate bid to end his suffering.
But surviving the suicide attempt proved to be a turning point for Mike, from Hull East Yorks, who has since lost over half his body weight, started a personal training business and now written Weightloss Warriors to try to help others.
Mike ordered a cross-trainer on the internet, set it up in his room and set to work.
Mike's total transformation from morbidly obese to ultra fit personal trainer is incredible 
Mike's total transformation from morbidly obese to ultra fit personal trainer is incredible 
He gradually built up his stamina to three one-hour sessions a day and stopped drinking altogether.
Mike said: 'Every session on the cross-trainer ended up with me taking my XXXXL dripping wet T-shirt off and just looking down at my belly crying. But, each time, I picked myself up and carried on.'
It took 18 months for Mike to lose 18st. But he was still left with a major problem – his loose skin.
'I felt just as disgusting as I did when I weighed 33 stone. I needed to do something, and I ended up paying for skin on my stomach and upper arms to be removed.'
The operation removed some of the excess skin but Mike was not satisfied with the end result.
MIke is keen to offer help to others who may be struggling 
Mike's drinking and depression over his size drove him to attempt to take his own life
Mike's drinking and depression over his size drove him to attempt to take his own life, but now having transformed himself, he is keen to offer help to others who may be struggling 
He decided to join a gym to tone up properly - and enjoyed working out so much he strove to make it his career, becoming a personal trainer and gradually learning to feel comfortable in his own skin as his body changed.
'The Weight Loss Warrior' is a heartfelt and brutally honest autobiographical story
'The Weight Loss Warrior' is a heartfelt and brutally honest autobiographical story
It was not only his own experiences, but the massive worldwide response to his story when it was told, that prompted Mike to write The Weight Loss Warrior.
Mike received literally thousands of messages of support, as well as thousands more from people who identified with his struggles.
'I was bombarded on Facebook with messages from people all over the world begging for help for some kind of secret formula many believed I possessed.'
The intensity of the response and demand for Mike's help triggered a new and very real ambition which was to help and inspire many people around the world who were in a similar position as himself when he started his incredible weight loss journey.
'I knew there wasn't one simple answer to help all and there were certainly no secret diets or fads but a combination of vital principles that I believed in, based around motivation and consistency.'
Mike's book 'The Weight Loss Warrior' has now been released as part of The Weight Loss Warriors, a new online community based around a revolutionary forum for those struggling to lose weight and seeking advice and motivation.
It provides regular video updates and tips on all topics including training, nutrition and emotional support highlighting all the social stigmas associated with being overweight and to do with weight loss. 
'I don't just want to be a weight loss story, I want to do more. 
I want to give back to others who are in the same position I was in. I'm not proud of what I have done, it is when people say that I have inspired them that's what makes me go "wow".
'I set up the Weight Loss Warriors forum by thinking what would I have wanted when I was losing the weight. I had no where to turn and I wanted to be that place for others.'  

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